Thursday, July 23, 2009

Hunh Wha...? New Football League???

There is a new football league coming on the scene and its set to make it's debut in the fall. It's called the UFL, or the United Football League and appears to be filling up with players and coaches as we speak. To be seems to be filling up with NFL rejects as we speak. Dethroned and derailed former quarterback for the Buffalo Bills J.P. Losman has just signed with the "Vegas" franchise of the UFL. *CHIRP* *CHIRP* Vegas?? Will their uniforms include sequence and feathers? Will there workouts include "jazz hands." LOL, sorry I just couldn't resist that. Word has it that disgraced quarterback Michael Vick is also possibly thinking of getting on board with the league. Former Arizona Cardinal coach Dennins Green came out of a three year retirement to sign on with the league as the coach of the San Franny team. Haha, am I really making the UFL seem like a league of misfits and pansies running around in opaque uniforms? I don't mean to do that. The season will supposedly run parallel to the NFL season....yeah...good luck with that. But hey, I'd go to a game if the tickets are going for five dollars. Why not?

1 comment:

  1. Good idea that UFL. The No Fun League needs some serious competition even from second rate players.
