Monday, July 13, 2009

UFC Madness!

Whew! What an awesome smackdown UFC event this past Saturday! I enjoyed watching all of the fights and the outcomes except for one...the Brock Lesnar and Frank Mir results. I CAN'T STAND Brock Lesnar. Brock is the former WWE clown who has brought his big cornfed oafery to the UFC organization in real hillbilly fashion. Dude has a SAG card and obviously still wants an acting career instead of being a REAL athlete! I wasn't sold on him crossing over into the world of MMA to begin with, and he has done nothing but prove my instincts right since he came in. He wrestled in college...SO WHAT! That does not make him a "mixed martial artist." He has no jiujitzu skills, no kickboxing skills, and no boxing skills for that matter. He knocks his opponents down, lays his heavy chest on them so they can't move, and plummets them in the face. He should be a Youtube sensation, not making millions as the heavyweight champion in a respectable sport. yeah...he won and is the undisputed heavyweight champion. Mir beat him a year ago with a legbar, but Lesnar said it was merely luck. It was TECHNIQUE, Mr. Lesnar, because Mir is a jiujitsu specialist, he did what an MMA star was supposed to do and won fair and square. You, sir, are just a bully! Not a true athlete. And Lesnar kept the "class act" going after his win by showing the world he has the IQ of an amoeba. When asked what he planned on doing when he got home after the fight, his reply was, "I just may climb on top of my wife..." Yeah....the thought of him climbing on top of his gargantuan wife gave me images of two yetis frolicking in the snow. I almost hurled. Anyway dolls, if you decide to get turned on to MMA and UFC, heed my advice and follow my example, YOU MUST HATE BROCK LESNAR. Thanks for your cooperation ladies, and goodnight. ;)

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