Friday, July 3, 2009

Artest/Ariza Switcharoo!

Okay, looks like we lost my boy Ariza. In a strange twist of fate, Lakers did an even swop: Ron Artest for Trevor Ariza! Artest is leaving the Houston Rockets, and Trevor is taking his place there. Both Artest and Ariza play the same position at Guard - Forward, so it is indeed an even switcharoo in that regard. However, Artest is 6 years older than Ariza, has the expected temper of a fiery freaky male scorpio, and was willing to take much less pay than Ariza will be eventually making with the Houston Rockets over five years time. I can't say that I am too disappointed to have the Lakers acquire Artest, but I am a tad disappointed to see Ariza go. I had BIG plans for Ariza. Regardless of the fact that Ariza has already been in the league for five years, I think he's on fire and will end up being an NBA star. Artest, however, has already paid some dues and proven his abilities so far in his career. He earned the title of Defensive Player of the Year in 2004 and last year with the Rockets he averaged 17.1 points, got 5.2 rebounds and 3.3 assists. It will be an interesting transition...I can't say that I recall the Lakers ever having such an aggressive player. Artest is widely known for his bout with a fan who reportedly threw a cup at him, check out the video here! Let's see if Kobe plus Artest equals DYNAMITE! Good luck in Houston Ariza! :)

1 comment:

  1. My dream come true, the raper and the rapper united at last. As you can tell, I am no longer a big Laker fan, not since the lil corvette drove the big diesel outta town. I wrote you, hope you got the message, and wish you all the best. Hope your family is close and loving, mine is just slowly getting back together, though my adopted Annapolis grad son is doing great.
    Take care, lovely Lori.
