Monday, July 27, 2009


Michael Vick has received a second chance in the NFL! Boy, he on his ninth NFL life, isn't he? That was indeed a close one. The reinstatement is "conditional," but if he gets picked up by a team, and gets a starting position, he could be playing in the coming regular season. I have mixed emotions about this one. But, I can say that I'm happy for him. Not sure what the "conditions" are...I suspect it has something to do with... NOT ACTING LIKE A DAMN FOOL OFF THE FOOTBALL FIELD! You think you can handle that Mr. Vick?? He's allowed to start practicing asap, and can participate in the last two pre-season games. All right, okay, let's get to it!

1 comment:

  1. What? Are you crazy? What on earth does fighting dogs have to do with obtaining gainful employment in a field that doesn't require handling any sensitive material. For pete's sake he only fought dogs not people! I would think after serving his debt to society we would be more willing to allow him back into civil society. The NFL would have re-instated him without any problems if it wasn't trying to look after their image.
