Friday, July 24, 2009

We Love You Anyway LeBron!!

Okay, I never understood how LeBron could be so egotistical that he would care if he LET a college player dunk on him...and it just so happened to be caught on film. Did he really think that his loyal fans would believe the hype anyway? I saw the video, and trust me my Baby Bron TOTALLY let that kid have that dunk. Because the kid was at HIS camp for skills. Why would he try to discourage that youngun by being the phenom that he is during a lesson? That would be like a dad trying to help his son practice doing layups while hogging the ball! This video thing was blown out of proportion and I think it was ALL Nike's idea to confiscate the videos from the reporters. Seriously, it was a low budget dunk. Lebron was barely trying to defend him, he was obviously more interested in WATCHING THE KID'S FORM so that he could provide feedback. Wait...I'm a chick and I get that?? All that video proved to me is what a phenomenal guy LeBron is, his character and the fact that he is NOT an egomaniacal superstar. He can share the glory, even when it is unwarranted, and that's why I love my Baby Bron! Please, King Kong has got NOTHING on LeBron James, and neither does that college player. His fifteen minutes of fame are already up and he can carry his little dunk with him on the road to obsurity. He will NEVER be Lebron James.

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