Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Drama, Drama, Drama!

Well, the Floyd Mayweather vs. Manny Pacquiao fight has turned into a soap opera! I was really looking forward to seeing this fight about a month ago, now, I can honestly say that I can take it or leave it. And...I hate to admit it, but I think I smell fear coming out of the Mayweather camp. Mayweather turned me off when he agreed to do the fight, and then two days later he started demanding a blood test before the fight. Why?? I mean, I can't say that I haven't suspected that Pacquiao was taking something the past few years. But it's bad protocol to ask for a blood test before a boxing match!! When has THAT ever happened? Understandably, Pacquiao freaked out. Granted he might be on that stuff, but why would he agree to have blood taken before a fight? There's a big risk that losing blood would slow him down. But does that warrant him suing Mayweather?? Good lord! Mayweather has backed down from demanding the test since Nevada has ordered both fighters take urine tests, but I don't think he's happy about it. Check out this video of him verbally abusing his sparring partner!

Monday, December 28, 2009

Back in the Day.....

Is it me, or do they just not make NFL ball players like they used to? It's not just me! It's true, and that was proven to me over this past weekend. I was fortunate enough to have a sit down talk with two former NFL players from "back in the day" and it was fantastic! I sat there enthralled listening to their stories and hearing how things were in the game of pro football in the late 70s and early 80s. Kenny Harrison was drafted to the San Francisco 49ers in 1976, and played the wide receiver position for them for two years. He has quintessential "wide receiver hands." They are huge, LOL. He went on to play for the Washington Redskins for one year in 1980. He played with Tony Dungy and even roomed with him on a road trip once. He is a very lean man at 6'1, so I asked him how he liked taking those hits, his reply was "They couldn't catch me." Tadow! I believe it. Kenny is still a very athletic man, working with high school students in track and field, and looks more fit than some men half his age. And the NFL blood runs in the family, whereas Kenny's brother, Dwight Harrison, also had a long NFL career. Cedrick Hardman also played for the 49ers from 1970-1979, and he and Kenny are good friends. Cedrick is 100% ALL man defensive end, even to this day! I'm telling you, he's the kind of end that would stare across the line at the other OE and smile while chewing a mouth full of nails. And his voice sounds like he's done that more than a few times! He still has his football player stature and physique and the word TOUGH doesn't describe this man! When asked if he had ever broken any bones, his reply was "I've broken a few on other players." OUCH! He went on to play for my Oakland Raiders from 1980-1981. He won Superbowl 15 with the Raiders and he let me hold his ring! Yes, I actually held a superbowl ring in my little hands.....I LOVE diamonds, even manly diamonds on a superbowl ring. In all, Cedrick played pro ball for 13 years, and he has the war scars to prove it. I thoroughly enjoyed sitting across from these two veterans discussing, what I believe is, the best era for NFL football EVER. In my view, the boys nowadays try to do their thing, but they just don't seem to have all of the heart and pure love for football that the "back in the day" guys did. When you hear these men reminisce, you hear the camaraderie that was so important. It wasn't just about who could get the highest contract amounts, who got the spotlight on the field, and all the razzle dazzle off of the field. Getting a superbowl ring was about "teamwork" and a collective accomplishment. That sentiment doesn't seem to be the focus with players today. So, thanks Kenny and Cedrick for setting a wonderful example for the NFL hopefuls out there! Kudos! :)

Monday, December 21, 2009

Favre Be Da Boss!!!!

LOL, okay, what does it mean for pro football when a quarterback overrules a head coach?! Apparently that's what happened Sunday night during the Carolina Panthers and Minnesota Vikings game. The Vikings played HORRIBLY *snicker,* and apparently their coach tried to bench "Brett the purple dinosaur" (Barney's brother, hehe) in the third quarter. Well, Favre seemed to have had a massive BF and the benching thing didn't happen ya'll! Ultimately, the Vikings ended up losing the game with a deplorable score of 24-7. But, all in all, it's no real biggie that they lost, they are still 11-3 for the season so far and are definitely playoff bound. Heck, I'd say they are probably the STRONGEST team heading for the playoffs. That said, the coach, Brad Childress, was wrong, in my view. Why bench Favre just because in ONE game his offense was only able to garner 7 points? So the backup qb is gonna do better? Please, it's just one game! Sounds to me like the Childress and Favre have some "bad blood" between them. Well, if they didn't before, they certainly do NOW, haha. I'd also imagine that Favre pulling rank over the coach will not sit quite well with his fellow players....personally, even if he were right in theory, I still wouldn't like that dude. I say, 'twill be an interesting remainder of the season for the Vikings organization. Hmmmmmm....

Monday, December 14, 2009

NFL Hall of Fame...or Superbowl Ring?

Hmmmmm, I had a thought today, I wonder which is more of an accomplishment to a player: being inducted into the NFL Hall of Fame, even though they never received a Superbowl ring; or being a "good" player but not good enough for the HOF and leaving the game with a Superbowl ring? I am sure this is T.O.'s, Randy Moss,' and Ladanian Tomlinson's dilemma right now! They are all basically HOF players who are still in the game. They are all players who are aging and their bodies won't last too much. As a matter of fact, Ladanian's body will probably give out in the next year or so, whereas running backs like him don't usually have long NFL careers (too much wear and tear on the body). T.O. and Moss are wide receivers, but still, they are getting up there in age, they won't be able to go long and see a ball coming at them forever! I mean, even though T.O. is a workout demon, he will undoubtedly be getting really tired in the next couple of years, I mean the man is pushing 36 years old! I just KNOW that he wants to hang on to garner that ring! Poor thing...based on how he is being passed around and to whom, I really don't think he's gonna get out of the game with that coveted ring. Moss may have a small chance, because he plays for the New England Patriots and with one of the best qb in the game right now: Tom Brady. But T.O.? Not so much, he plays for the Buffalo Bills and NO ONE is impressed, haha. So, that makes me wonder, if any of these fellas end their careers without ever getting that ring, will their HOF status be bittersweet to them??....Makes you go "hmmmmmm." Personally, I think I'd want either that ring or to have BOTH. :D

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Well, Well, Well.....

It's getting down to the wire. The NFL playoffs are just weeks away. It's pretty much a clinched deal that the Saints have won the NFC division title and that the Colts have won the AFC division title. It also seems like a clincher that these two teams will match up in the Superbowl, but not so fast. The playoffs are an entirely different animal than the regular season. Yes, they are both undefeated, but an undefeated season doesn't always speak to a team's real ability. Some of those wins were what I call "squeakers:" meaning they just squeaked by and ended up with the win. Also, they don't always play the same teams in the regular season that they will end up playing in the playoffs, so regular season foes may not be a good representation of the playoff ones. See, that's the thing about the NFL playoffs (different than the NBA): it's "do or die." It doesn't matter what your regular season was like, you lose one game in the playoffs and it's adios. How frustrating would it be for a team to go undefeated in the regular season and get knocked off with their first playoff game? LOL And technically, once the playoffs start, a teams regular season record doesn't even matter any more. That's why I don't really enjoy the NFL playoffs like I do the NBA playoffs. (I usually don't even start watching NBA games UNTIL the playoffs start!). I'd rather just hold my breath until I see which two teams are going to the Superbowl. Anywho, I sure am happy for my boys the Saints, but, I have to admit that having an undefeated regular season can often set a team up to fail in the playoffs and I'm real nervous about their Superbowl prospects. Hmmmmmmm

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Crazy Concussions!

Is it me or have there been a LOT of guys getting concussions this football season! I mean, that's pretty scary. The list includes: Brian Westbrook and DeSean Jackson of the Philadelphia Eagles, Ben Roethlisburger from the Steelers, Kurt Warner From the Arizona Cardinals, and Jamal Lewis from the Cleveland Browns. Jamal Lewis' and Brian Westbrook's careers may even be over because of their concussions! This is ridiculous. I mean, either someone needs to regulate how the game is being played nowadays or they need to make sure these guys stay out of the game until they are really healed. Recently, Roethlisbuger sat out of a game, and was hastily criticized by his teammate Hines Ward. Hines made the most ignorant comment about "playing through injuries." Undoubtedly, Hines was just thinking about the fact that their team had just lost a game under the replacement quarterback Dennis Dixon. He has since apologized but, was he serious??? A concussion is NOT just a "football injury." It is NOT a little "ouchie." Frankly, I don't think Ben should even think about coming back, since he still claims to continue to have headaches. Well anyway, I'm glad that the NFL commission is seriously thinking about revamping their concussion policy. They have recently released this statement: "a player may not return to the field if he experiences any kind of confusion, amnesia, persistent headaches, dizziness or vertigo or any other signs of concussion." Very responsible! Football is no fun if folks are just dying to play it. :P

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

If You Can't Tame a Tiger....

Set him free?? I dunno, all kind of skankalicious wimin coming out of the woodwork claiming that Tiger "hit it." Not looking good for the Tiger! Is it possible that he does like to roam after all? But, I can't say I totally believe it. Yes, his "accident" seems suspect, and it does sound like he endured a "wife beating" before he ran out of the house to safety. Something about a wife that just gives her the ability to whoop her husbands azz if he deserves it. Tiger's wifey says she was trying to "rescue him," and I...sort of believe her. I think she may have confronted him about the National Enquirer article and they argued. But I don't think she really believes he cheated on her. Not sure who all of these other women are, and what their motive is (publicity of course!!), but I have faith in Tiger. As far as I'm concerned, he's innocent until proven guilty. Anyway, Tiger got cited, but they aren't gonna bring criminal charges against question is, for what? What did he do wrong?? Alas, I don't this story is going away any time soon. Grrrrrrrr!

Just a Little Too Late???

It's amazing how some NFL teams have had "resurrections" at this point in the season, and how some have seemed to just wither away. Case in point, the Tennessee Titans and the Buffalo Bills. Since the Titans have put Vince back in the driver's seat, they have won 5 games in a row. Vince is performing well after warming the bench for the last part of last season and the first part of this one. Similarly, T.O. has seemed to have an awakening with the Buffalo Bills. He had a 98 yard touchdown just a couple of weekends ago, and has seemed to not even look back. His performance has looked like the old T.O. ever since. But why all the late heroics? It's a long shot that either team will make the playoffs. Why not just give up and ride the rest of the season out without risking injury by playing so hard? My theory is, it's "job security." These guys are probably already thinking of their work options for next year: they either want to maintain their positions or make sure they look good enough to get picked up next year. I think the former applies to Young, and the latter to T.O. He's a working Hall of Famer, but there's still life in the old boy yet!! On another note, what in the world happened to the New York Jets, the New England Patriots, the Pittsburgh Steelers and the Denver Broncos?.....These guys have had the worst luck in the past few weeks, and their standings have suffered as a result. Not even sure if they will make the playoffs! We'll just have to see. Hmmmmmm

Monday, November 30, 2009

Quality Quarterbacks!

Wowzer! Quarterbacks seem to be the rockstars and celebutantes of the NFL this football season. They have just been FULL of razzle dazzle. We have at least three of them already in the talks for MVP: Peyton Manning, Drew Brees, and Brett Favre. Two of those in the running are leading undefeated teams (Brees and Manning) and one of them has only had to nurse one loss (Favre). We have a comeback kid in the mix, as in Vince Young, who came back in the game to lead the zero-win Tennessee Titans to five wins in a row! ANd then we have a new face for the Pittsburgh Steelers that I must say played a first NFL start impressive game. That new kid on the block is Dennis Dixon. A few busts in the mix like Mark Sanchez, Jamarcus Russell and Jay Cutler notwithstanding, hey, the quarterbacks got it going on this year. FABULOUS!!!

Monday, November 23, 2009

Really Raiders???!!!

Whoooo! Time to go get some Raider gear! Yep, diehard Raider fan here and guess boys won this past weekend. And they did it against the Cincinnati Bengals!! Bengals have had a decent season, with Chad Ochocinco revving up his game a little bit, so it was quite an accomplishment. The Raiders finally benched lazy JaMarcus Russell from the QB position and put in Bruce Gradowski. Good move! Cincinnati is good, but it wasn't enough to get past what some people call one of the worst teams in the league. Worst team or not, I am STILL a Raiders girl thru and thru. I admit the Raiders don't often give me much to celebrate about, so I have to make a big deal out of it when they do. I think it's time to buy some gear! I got my Lakers jersey when the Lakers won the Champs last season, but I've been neglecting my Raiders. And it's a shame because there is a Raiders store in my local mall, of which I pass by ALL the time and have never even been inside! For shame, for shame. Well, even though they left LA and I am a 2nd generation Angelino, I will still show a little Raider pride and do a little shopping. It's a good excuse to go to the mall anyway, right? LOL

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Pacquiao Power!!

Well, I went to watch the Pacquiao/Cotto fight at a friend of a friend's house. Despote being distracted by how absolutely gorgeous the house was, I had to be the ONLY person there rooting against Manny Pacquiao. Yeah...what was I thinking, right? Odd too, because I'm usually a huge fan of his. But for some reason, I felt more connected to Cotto. I think I just like rooting for the underdog, and I really don't like fighters who are undefeated for too long. Maybe it's the effects of the little bit of Buddhism I've studied..I like balance in life. But anyway, just when I thought that Cotto may have a chance, Manny came out and got his TKO. It was a systmeatic win, not what I'm used to seeing Pacquiao do. But the fight went to 12 rounds, even though it was eventually stopped in the 12th and deemed a TKO. Cotto hurt Pacquiao though, and got some really good hits in. I think if Cotto hadn't had to cut weight in order to garner the fight, he would have knocked Pacquiao out. Coming down in weight class in order to fight sometimes takes some of the power out of a fighter. So maybe Cotto was a little too weak to land punches that really hurt. Well, looks like that fight between Pacquiao and Floyd Mayweather might be on and cracking! Gratz Manny!!

I Knew It!!

I knew the Lakers were gonna lose to the Nuggets! I am psychic. However, the reason I expected it was because they were still recouping from their win over the Phoenix Suns. So, they Thuggets got one on us, but that will be ALL. Looking forward to the match-up between the Lakers and the Cleveland Cavaliers. It won't be pretty! GO Lakers!

In other news, Allen Iverson is throwing a little BF over their on the Grizzlies. Seems Mr. Big Shot doesn't like playing from the bench. He is threatening to retire...or actually pull a Brett Favre over on the NBA side. Yes, he would not stay retired for long, and every school boy knows this. Hey, I'm just clowning him, but I feel his pain. Who wants to be on a horrible team and be relgated to playing off of the bench? I mean, this is a guy they based a fictional character on in a movie. He's a veritable legend in the NBA! That said, I'm not sure why he chose to go to a team saturated with guys who already play his position, yet thought he'd get to play anyway. Guess he thought wrong! Awww, keep your head up, Ivey!

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Two Humble Men....

Troy Polamalu is to the NFL as Fedor Emelianenko is to MMA...they are both men of faith, highly successful at what they do, and the most humble athletes on the planet. I find it so inspirational to watch them do their collective sports. I love it because when they do their things, it is so oppositie to who they really are otherwise. On the field, Troy is a killer! He has no mercy when he's going after a receiver or a running back (or QB for that matter). He's not worrying about hurting his prey, he just wants them DOWN....LOL. Likewise, Fedor has hands of steel, he will knock you the hell out without blinking OR thinking twice. And he has done that fir 8 straight wins, knocked his opponent out. That's exactly what he did this past weekend to Brett Rogers!! And Troy made some crazy tackles and had an interception on Monday against the Denver Broncos. LOL, everything about Troy belies his true nature, right down to his wild Samsonite hair. But both of these guys are very spiritual and gentle guys. They always give God the credit fpr their success and would rather stay out of the media spotlight. I like that.....So, I hope they both continue to be paradigms that they are in their sport. We need more guys like them in athletics, and guys like them need to get more press than the bonehead athletes out ther!! ;)

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Romo the Bozo

Romo is a silly clown. I can't believe I actually used to like this guy. Everyone thought that T.O. (the number 1 receiver for the Cowboys at the time) was just being a baby when he complained that Tony Romo wouldn't throw him the ball. Well guess what? Roy Williams, the NEW number 1 wide receiver is complaining that Romo the clown is doing the same thing to him! So, here's the million dollar question, is Romo the problem or the number 1 receivers? I'd say it's two to one that Romo is!! What's worse is, I really think that Romo was the main reaosn behind the Cowboys trading T.O. to the Buffalo Bills. Yeah....I think everyone owes my boy T.O. an apology.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Updates, Updates, Updates!!!

Well it's down to the wire for the world series! I have to admit, I have not watched one game between the Phillies and the Yankees. It seems to be moving right along, with a sure win for the Yankees. If the Phillies win, it will be a repeat from last year. Yankees last World Series win was in 2000. And it seems like they are working C.C. Sabithia to death out there on the pitcher's mound. Every time I glance at a game, I see Mr. Carebear himself pitching the ball. He has to be the chubbiest baseball player I think I've ever seen! But it's kinda cute, LOL. A-Rod would also be excited if his Yankees won the series, it would the first time he's ever won one!

Season basketball still hasn't caught my attention. But, it's nice to know that the Lakers squeezed out a win in OT against Oklahoma City. My boy Kobe saved the day with a three-pointer to put the final score at 101 - 98. But it was a close one!

Right now, it's all about the NFL and the MMA for me. Saints and Colts are still beating their chest as the only two undefeated teams left. And Fedor Emelianenko matches up with Brett Rogers for the MMA fight of the year! I'm totally hooked on The Ultimate Fighter show, which is a reality show that highlights a group of guys who fight and compete against each other in order to win a UFC contract.

More updates later..... :D

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

O Happy Day!

I was right! The Vikings lost this past Sunday. PAAAAAARTAY!! Now let's hope the Broncos follow suit this coming weekend after being saved by the buy this past weekend! LOL I was also pleased to see that my Saints and Colts kept up their winning ways! So far, it's a pretty exciting season!! :)

Sore Losers!

Wow...I can hardly believe all of the fall out from the Machida/Rua bout on UFC 104 this past weekend. I mean, I watched it, I saw it from start to finish, and never did I think that Machida was for sure gonna lose that fight. Granted, it was close, but I knew that Rua just didn't beat the champ. For one, the only aggressive moves that came from Rua were muay thai kicks and a couple of attempted take downs. Yes, those kicks hurt, anyone could see that based on the bruises on Machida's thigh's and the grimaces on his face afterwards. But hurting someone and winning a fight are two different things. Look, I am a novice at MMA and a chick as well, but even I could see that Rua was barely landing any attempted strikes. Almost every time he kicked Machida, he got a love tap in the face for kicking him. Points to Machida! Machida has a 65% positive strike average and that was evident during the fight. Yes, Rua gave him a hard time and even his first round losses ever, but Rua did not beat the champ, plain and simple. And in the end, the judges saw what I saw. Yep, little 'ol me. While a lot of crusty MMA fans are crying over Rua's loss---saying "foul" just because Rua happened to kick Machida a few times and tried a couple of unsuccessful take downs---I'm seeing that MMA IS actually a legitimate sport and not governed by emotions and dramatic effects like WWF. Come on fellas! How do I know more about this sport than you all do??? Can't beat the champ by hurting his thighs and giving him a bruise on his ribs. The only way to know for sure, unequivocally, that you won a fight is to FINISH IT. Knock'em out, and make darn sure it doesn't go to the judges. Especially in a title match! Otherwise, it's a likely chance the champ won't be dethroned (except in the match between Rampage Jackson and Forrest Griffin, but that's another story). On the flip side, it was also evident to me that Machida possibly didn't take Rua seriously, and his legs paid a heavy price for it; Muay Thai is definitely a formidable challenge for Karate. Nevertheless, the moral to this story is: never assume someone has won a fight if there wasn't a tap out, TKO or knock out. And never assume someone is landing a punch, wracking up points, just because they throw one. The end. Now on to the rematch. :)

Thursday, October 22, 2009

The Loser Countdown

Okay, at this point there are only four undefeated NFL teams: Indianapolis Colts, Denver Broncos, New Orleans Saints, and Minnesota Vikings. I'm really pleased about the Saints being undefeated! I've waited for them to be really relevant for a LONG time now, since my boy Reggie Bush got drafted there in 2006. Granted, Reggie has suffered from the infamous "Heisman curse," but nevertheless, I still love the Saints because he's a part of them. Go Trojans!! Anyway, I'm also happy for the Colts, I like Peyton Manning, seems like a real stand up guy who keeps his nose clean as a player. But the two teams who were spawned by Satan are the Vikings and the Broncos!!! Me no likey! me want them to LOSE!!! Therefore, I predict that the Broncos will be the first to end their winning streak, followed by the Vikings. PLEASE let them be first! I really would love for the Saints to keep their winning streak. And I'm cool with the Colts keeping theirs too. So, let's see what happens this weekend!

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Machida Magic

Well it's getting closer and closer to the UFC 104 event which will headline Lyoto Machida vs. Mauricio "Shogun" Rua! This is a fight for the light heavyweight title and is taking place in my neck of the woods: the Staples Center in Los Angeles. I love Lyoto Machida as a mixed martial artist because he is the only fighter I know of that uses karate as his striking method, and I am a huge fan of the karate technique and discipline. I came across an interesting video of Machida's last fight against Rashad Evans, where Machida won by knock out. Thought it might be an interesting watch, so check it out!

My Bad....

Okay, I admit it, I've been really neglectful of major league baseball these past few months. I haven't had much to say about it, and I hadn't even watched a game before this past Saturday. But since it's the playoffs, I feel that baseball fever coming on a little bit. The game on Saturday went for 12 innings, with the Yankees coming out on top in the end. There were some good strike outs, good triple plays, and a home run by A-Rod. Good stuff indeed! Granted, I'd still rather attend a baseball game than watch one on the telly, it was kind of exciting watching the Angels play the Yankees in game number three. The Yankees seemed to be giving the Angels a run for their money with a 2-0 lead in the series, but it looks like the Angels may be chugging along to a tied series. Right now, the Yankees lead the series 2-1. Stay tuned! I know I will. Go Angels!!

Monday, October 19, 2009

NFL Kickers With Two Left Feet!

I don't think I've been more frustrated watching NFL football as I was this weekend watching two crutch time games: one between the Minnesota Vikings and the Baltimore Ravens, and one between the New York Jets and the Buffalo Bills. In both games, the ball game boiled down to the kickers. And in both games....the kickers were boneheads and missed EASY kicks!! I was SO mad after watching Minnesota win their game against Baltimore, that I actually walked away cursing and mumbling to myself like a crusty old man. It was .38 seconds left in the game, the score is 31-33, Minnesota up. Baltimore has a chance to win it with a 3 pointer kick, and what does the kicker do?? Kicked the ball like a fifth grader! Right past the goal, far left. I think I could have kicked it better. Ridiculous. I really wanted the Vikings to lose too. And in the other game between the Jets and the Bills, they ended up going to over time because the dumb kicker missed another easy kick! Luckily, he got his chance to come back out and win it, but it would have been over if he would have done his thing like he was supposed to the first time.....where is the NFL recruiting these bunk kickers from?? Lead Foot University?? Geesh!

Friday, October 16, 2009

No Show, T.O.

Well, it's official...T.O.'s stint with the Buffalo Bills was a bust. And it's not his fault. He can't drop a ball that's never thrown to him. Right? Anyway, it's back to the drawing board as there are talks that he me traded to the Chicago Bears before that deadline next week. I say let him go! He doesn't need to be marginalized this late in his career. And Buffalo is missing out on some Hall of Fame talent. Yes, let T.O. team up with Cutler, who has been doing fabulous after falling flat in his first season game. Cutler's numbers and fearless attitude about throwing the ball down field represents the kind of quarterback T.O. should be playing with. A mediocre quarterback often causes a mediocre performance out from his wide receivers. Well, nothing is finalized or even confirmed about a T.O. switcharoo, but I'll sure be keeping my eyes and ears open on this one. ;)

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

I'd Like An Audience Please......

As far as I'm concerned, the two "villains" of the NFL this year are Michael Crabtree and Josh McDaniels. Some people say they are just "shrewd" and behaved like any man should who wants to get ahead. I say, they thought about number one "themselves." I don't like them, but guess what, they seem to be getting the best that the NFL has to offer so far. Crabtree finally got a deal that made him come out his crab shell. He pouted just long enough to garner a 5 year, 17 mil guaranteed contract with a cap at 32 mil. That cap is basically higher than the guy (Bey) on the Raiders who started his tantrum in the first place. So guess what, now that he has gotten his way "he is humbled." Humble?? Dude, that word shouldn't even come near your mouth. You wouldn't know humility if it jumped up and slapped you on your high and mighty azz. And Josh McDirty Daniels has led his Bronco team to an undefeated season so far. Is that luck of the Irish, or did he channel his father Satan for a favor? Yeah, way to go teach the younguns that it's okay to be underhanded to get what you want (try to trade your quarterback behind his back), because you'll end up on top anyway if you ALWAYS put yourself first. Remember kiddies, think of the BIG picture when it's a big picture of YOU....I shake my head in disgust over these two "gentlemen." It's a shame what some folks have relegated pro football to; and sadly, sometimes success is all you need to justify bad behavior. Cut throat, like a bunch of crabs in a barrel pulling one another down while trying to climb up. I'm done pontificating, I'm out of this mug...*throws down the microphone*

Monday, October 12, 2009

OMG! I Broke a Nail!

Okay...the NFL needs to stop wimp-a-fying it's quarterbacks. No one wants to watch a game and see quarterbacks playing who may wear panties. Every time you turn around, there's a flag being thrown for "roughing the passer." They're footballers first and quarterbacks second and that's what football is all about: getting hit, being tough! Since when do they make quarterbacks who can't take a hit? Who would rather run from a defender and throw an intentional grounding ball, than look out for a wide receiver to throw the ball too? Granted, sometimes it's wise for a QB to throw a ball away if they don't see someone in the open to throw it too rather than lose yardage if he gets sacked, but I swear I've seen receivers out there waving their hands for the ball while QBs are tip toeing and "jete"-ing away from defenders trying to avoid being touched. We need to go back to the days when the QBs were up for a little rough and tumble, like Joe Namath, Joe Theismann, and Doug Williams. Them were MANLY men, not like these quarterbacks o'day who get manicures, take modeling pics, and get matching eyebrows like their wives (ahem Tom Brady). Something needs to be done about these ticky tack flags for roughing the passer. Let the boys play ball!!

Friday, October 9, 2009

Gold For Golf??!

Oh, what is this? What in the world is this? Golf has been included as a legitimate sport for the 2016 Olympics! I dunno, I might be off base, but I really see this as a snoozefest event. Don't get me wrong, I love golf. We had a golf course near my house when I was growing up and I often frequented it with my dad to watch him play. I loved playing with his golf clubs when he wasn't around too!! But golf is just not really exciting...unless Tiger is playing it. And Tiger is not an amateur golfer!! I rarely watch golf now with the pros, why would I want to watch amateurs play? There are other events in the Olympics that bore me, like cross country running and "competitive walking" LOL. Why would they add another sport to make those look like fun? Hopefully, they will take these next four years to really evaluate how they're gonna make this work. And who knows, maybe Rio is the best spot for it to make it's debut. They can have Carnival dancers on the side shaking their booties between swings! LOL

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Raunchy Raider!

Ummmm, what kind of coach hits his own staff? Looks like the Raiders coach is that kind of guy, and also one who might be going to jail. Where'd the Raiders get this guy? Someone has just GOT to put on a thinking cap in that organization. They haven't the slightest clue what to do next. And by "they" I mean Al Davis. The Raiders are cursed beyond cursed. They are the black hole of the NFL. Players go in there, and disappear until they are traded to other teams. Case in point, Randy Moss, who seemed to do nothing but smoke pot while with the Raiders, but is piling on the numbers playing for the New England Patriots. And now this, the head coach is a GANGSTA?! Tom Cable....did you pass Kindergarten? Didn't they teach you to keep your hands to yourself? Wow...NFL head coaches with no impulse control. What's next, coaches who also moonlight as strippers? Well, at the least, Cable will be suspended, which means the Raiders will have to adjust to a new coach. WONDERFUL! And, ummm, doesn't he bear a strong resemblance to Fred Flintstone? LOL, I'm just sayin....

Monday, October 5, 2009

Show Him the Money?? NOW he wants to talk. The rookie from hell Michael Crabtree that is....What, is he getting ansy on the sidelines in his own little world, where he be the boss? Is he getting jealous watching his other first round draft pick bros bask in their glory? Perhaps he wants to go out there and razzle dazzle everyone with his skills. RIGHT! Too late buddy, because no ones cares to see what you have to offer any more. I hope Crabtree is fat and even slower than he was before the draft. I don't want to see him play. BUT supposedly he is back in negotiations with the San Francisco 49ers. Apparently, he's either broke or has come to his senses. My mother always told me to not "keep up with what the Joneses are doing." This whole thing is predicated on him looking over at the Raiders and and wanting what someone else has gotten. For him, it's all about the money. He's a prime candidate for becoming a kid who will get his contract, get out there on the field and do absolutely NADA, but rake in a check. Then he'll be done by the time he's eligible for free agency. And broke within five years. Yeah, I know this kid's story. He's a cautionary tale. And what will he stand to gain if he holds out and doesn't get his contract after all? He'll still be out of the money, and he'll have a side of a bad reputation to go along with that, thank you. I tell you, they just aren't making ball players like they used to. No dignity at all. We've got some who won't leave, even when they're gray and crusty. And younguns who think that they deserve it all without paying any dues. Hey Michael CRABtree, crawl back into your shell and hide, you crab!

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

MMA Mania!

Mixed martial arts is on FYAH! Yeah, I'm really feelin' it ya'll. Some exciting stuff going on. There are some new weight category rankings. Check them out. They are all pretty right on point, though I'd like to see Anderson Silva rise up a little higher in the light middle weight category. Anderson was ranked number five....I don't like seeing him at number five in any ranking. Yes, I was mad at him for being Brazilian when Cyborg beat Gina Carano (WAHHHHHH!), but, I'm over it. ALSO in exciting MMA news, looks like the Anderson Silva vs. Vitor Belfort is gonna happen. Yep, January 2, UFC 108. Hmmmm, that should be a good one. I am also looking forward to seeing Kimbo Slice have his first fight on The Ultimate Fighter tonight on Spike TV. I'm kind of nervous for the big fella, but I know he's determinied to make himself worthy of an UFC contract. He showed a lot of humility being willing to even be on that show after Dana White clowned him when he was fighting for EliteXC. And lastly, I heard through the grapevine that Randy Couture's ex wife is planning on fighting his next opponent's wife. Brandon Vera's wife, Kerry, is a kickboxer; and Randy's ex, Kim trains MMA. Both ladies fight for Strikeforce, it should be a pretty good match! Good stuff!

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Buffalo Bills are full of Bull!

Okay, T.O. seems to be basically the best thing to happen to the Buffalo Bills in YEARS! So does someone want to tell me why their brilliant quarterback Trent Edwards WON'T just THROW HIM THE BALL?? I mean, the man is a veritable Hall of Famer and he's STILL in the game. How do you have a formidable weapon like that on your team and not use it? What kind of intelligence supports that decision? I don't care that T.O. is new, and that maybe Edwards doesn't "know him" well enough yet. Please, EVERYBODY who isn't mentally challenged knows what T.O. is capable of. He is capable of giving your team a win and making an 80 plus yard touchdown run. Simple, throw T.O. the ball, you will probably win. Don't throw him the ball for the WHOLE GAME and you will undoubtedly LOSE. And as for that clever little fan who dumped popcorn on T.O. after the game? I've got something for you. What game were you at? Were you that drunk that you didn't realize T.O. had nothing to do with your team losing? How does someone so stupid even have enough money to buy a ticket to a pro football game? Seriously, T.O. doesn't have to put up with this foolishness at the tail end of a spectacular NFL career. He is every bit of a football hero, his big mouth notwithstanding. He is just very misunderstood and should be treated with more respect. It's okay T.O.! Let's see what the Buffalo "Bull***ts" do without you! LOL

Friday, September 25, 2009

Crabby Crabapple Crabtree

What a little TOOL! I really hate to even give this little weeny any more press, but what in the bloody hell is wrong with Michael Crabtree? I mean, it actually seems likes it's been good for team moral to have him NOT show up. It has seemed to sharpen the San Francisco's 49ers resolve to do better without him, and they ARE! They go into this weekend of ballgames 2-0 and thus listed in the top 10 teams in the power rankings. Good for them! meanwhile, I still can't believe this kid is still holding out over a mere 5 million dollar discrepancy! The guy he's jealous of, Darrius Heyward Bey, was chosen instead of him by the Raider's team and signed a guaranteed 23.5 million dollar contract. The 49ers offered Crabtree 20 million (which is very handsome for someone drafted at number 10) and THAT sparked his little tantrum. I really don't like him. I don't ever want to see him play with a good contract. I want him to end up having to play minor league ball, or getting drafted number 40 in the 2010 draft and offered 3 million for one year! Arrogant little brat. What's interesting is that no one in his "camp" will admit to advising him to hold out. I guess that they are even embarrassed of the monster they've created now. I hope his standout teaches other rookies a lesson, which is why I hope he ultimately doesn't get his way! Booooo Crabtree! Go 49ers!!

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

NFL Power Rankings are....Interesting

Okay, the power rankings are out for this week and I find the number one pick...interesting. Baltimore Ravens? Hunh? Where'd that come from? These guys seemed to come out of nowhere! They are 2-0, just like most of the other top 10 teams this week, but they got number one because of WHO they beat last week: San Diego Chargers and their big mouth quarterback Philip Rivers. I'm not hating on the Ravens, we need some fresh meat at the top. Actually, I am SO tired of hearing the same ol same ol in the power rankings, like the Patriots number one and/or Pittsburgh. More interesting, yet good news, is that my boys the New Orelan Saints are ranked number two. Yippeee! I'm a big Saints fan and I've been waiting for them to play some ball like their personnel is capable of. I've been waiting for Reggie Bush and Marques Colsten to do some DAMAGE. And they did just that last weekend by beating the Philadelphia Eagles REALLY bad. And MArk Sanchez, the trader, has really been showing out! So much so, his New York Jets rank at number four this week. BUMMER! Haha, not really, I guess mark made the right choice by leaving my Trojans high and dry in order to go pro. Well, one thing is for sure, the rankings won't last. They'll be different by next week, and probably just as....interesting. Hmmmmmm

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Congratulations to Peyton Manning for winning his 119th game as starting quarterback! Peyton seems like such a class act guy, and comes from good breeding, obviously. As I was watching the Mike & Mike show on ESPN this morning they were comparing Manning to Johnny Unitas because he broke his record for QB wins. That is so annoying to me. Can they ever just let a man accomplish something without having to steal his thunder and compare him to the ancients? They even asked Peyton last night about Unitas in his post game interview, I felt sorry for him, but he graciously answered the questions. I can't recall things being so comparative back in the day, when Joe Namath and Joe Theismann were playing. I'd say the players nowadays are breaking more records now than they did back then, but analysts just won't give them their due---at least they won't without also having to come back and remind them that someone else, long ago was better. What gives??? Anyway, hats off to our 21st century phenoms! It's truly a new day!!

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Serena has a BF!!!

Well, you can take the girl out of Compton but you can't take the Compton out of the girl after all. Serena, and I love her, has been trying to convince the world that she is dainty and has class for the last 10 years or so. I have to was working...until her "BF" at her U.S. Open semi-finals with that fuzzyheaded judge. I saw the video. I couldn't hear what she said, but I felt the Monifah coming out of her mouth! I read that loud and clear. She went ghetto fabulous on that judge and used the ball as her prop, for dramatic effect, as it were. Well, I wasn't mad at her when I watched the video, and I'm not mad now. What did we all expect? That she would be able to hide the fact that her body makes too much testosterone forever? LOL, I tease Serena a lot about her mannishness, but I really like her. And I consider her a lady, or at least a well trained lady o' day. By that I mean, she knows how to turn on the charm in a sport that requires a lot of decorum and pomp. Bottomline...I bet that judge will think twice the next time she makes a bad call during one of SERENA'S matches. And I bet she really was wrong after all anyway. And I don't look down on Serena at all just because she's really GANGSTA! TEAM SERENA! ;)

Monday, September 14, 2009

WOW! And Not In a Good Way...

I just watched one of the most painful NFL losses I think I have ever seen.....It's four o'clock, and there I was all excited to finally see the Buffalo Bills and my T.O play the New England Patriots. I was even feeling just a tad neutral because I was kind of excited for Tom Brady, since it was his first game back after being out all last season. The game is going well, the Bills are playing good. They are ignoring my man T.O. and not throwing him the ball, BUT they are delivering a winning game, so I'm forgiving their negligence. I'm even excited to see Randy Moss' ugly mug play a good game (mainly because in my heart, I just knew he was gonna lose anyway). So we get down to the wire, a ten point game in the Bills favor, then WHAMMO! The Patriots score an easy touchdown. THEN, some Bills player I don't even know pops a stupid pill before he runs on field and BLOWS the WHOLE game! Dude (who will remain nameless), makes a dumb run after he catches the ball and fumbles. All of this happening after the Patriots just scored a touchdown that brought them within 4 points of tying the game. UGH! And guess what happens, boys and girls? The Patriots recover the dimwits fumble and SCORE ANOTHER TOUCHDOWN......the game ends with the Pats winning 25 - 24. And....I'm the most disappointed I think I've EVER been after watching a team I like lose. This was the Bills chance to finally end a 12 game losing streak to the Pats in New England. *Sigh* Can football players be, like, fired?

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Gay All the Way!!

Tyson Gay is the little engine that could! He sure has some heart, doesn't he. In the race that Usain Bolt dropped out of because he was "fatugued," Tyson showed up and came out on top. Is it me, but didn't these two just run the same races in the World Championships? Shouldn't Tyson be tired too? Usain wimped out, he's got a big mouth, but can't hold up to it. Usain has been complaining about fatigue, "it's been a long year," whatever, shut your mouth and run. Or stop beating your chest, you're obviously not invincible, Mr. Bolt. Anyway, congratulations to Tyson, who beat Asafa Powell AGAIN with a 9.88 time in the 100m race in Greece today. Ahem, the race that Usain "insane" Bolt dropped out of becaue he was "tired"........yeah.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Castor! Say it Aint So!

Well it's official, Caster Semenaya, the woman who won the 800m gold medal in the IAAF World Championship track meet, is a hermaphrodite! She has no uterus, no ovaries, but she has a vaginal canal and internal testes....Okay, this is no medical mystery, happens all the time. However, she has no way of producing estrogen, so how can she be classified as a woman? In fact, she has all the parts to produce testosterone! Personally, I don't see how she could hang on to her gold medal. Those other women did not compete against their peer. She may be allowed to take estrogen and compete as a woman in the future, but I don't think she should not be allowed to keep her gold medal for her performance in the Championships this summer. It's just not fair to the other girls. I don't think she should be ostracized and treated like a freak, I just think that she should be a natural woman in order to compete with other natural women. Am I wrong about that? Hmmmmm.

Football Season is ON!!

I am, as we speak, watching the first football game of the season!! The game pits the fabulous superbowl champs Pittsburgh Steelers against the Tennessee Titans! Good lord, I'm so excited. Seems like this season was taking it's ever-loving time to begin. And these boys obviously need to do something with their time. Talk about causing trouble and getting into all kinds of mayhem! I dunno, is it just me? But haven't the boys been especially naughty this year? And in other news, looks like Brandon Marshall's whining has paid off for him. Again, he has proven the old adage that if you deliver for a team, you hold the "powers that be's" balls in your hands. Notwithstanding that Marshall is a wide receiver, the pun was intended. All I can say is, they couldn't stand to lose a another star player after letting Jay Cutler go. Also, we got quarterbacks scoring 90 million dollar contracts, and some quarterbacks taking pay cuts in order to attract good players to their team. Whoo! Fun times, let the games begin!!! :D

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

USC, Baby!

My friend Craig filled me in on this awesome site dedicated to the strong tradition of USC in sports. Just thought I'd mention it here for all of us Trojans to appreciate. Go check it out! Even though I'm a tad concerned about what we're gonna bring out on the field this year, I'm still as excited as ever to watch us play. We have a freshman quarterback and a practically whole new defense, but we're still going in ranked number 4! FIGHT ON! We play Ohio State this weekend, all we can do is our best. Anyway, click here for the site. And enjoy this wonderful video. :)

Friday, September 4, 2009

A-Rod Grabs a Handful!!

I guess Alex Rodriguez is a boob man! Dude copped an easy feel from a Toronto police woman as he collided with her during the NY Yankees game with the Blue Jays last night. Well, I'm actually happy for him that he got a chance to touch a real woman, with some meat on her bones, since he's dating practically boobless Katie Holmes. LOL!

The Great Brazilian Hope....

Well God bless him, Antonio Rodrigo Nogueira has gotten his swagger back! Not only did he win by decision against the MMA dinosaur Randy Couture in UFC 102, but after the fight he called out the jolly blond giant himself Brock Lesnar! I was SO excited to hear him mention the word "Lesnar" among the other almost unrecognizable English words he spoke through his heavy Brazilian accent during the post fight interview last Saturday night. Some may recall that after Lesnar destroyed Frank Mir in their heavyweight belt rematch fight, I prayed openly for someone to come down from wherever to give Brock a GOOD beat down. Looks like my prayers may have been answered! I think Nogueira has what it takes to beat Lesnar. He has stellar jujitsu skills, so when Brock does his usual "take a man down to ground and pound," Nogueira may just have something for him down there. I would love to see this cornfed Nordic throw back get submitted in round 2, so he can't claim that Nogueira "just got lucky" like he did when Mir submitted him in less than a minute in their first match. And this Nogueira win would be even more sublime because Mir beat him, giving him his first knockout loss, in UFC 92. So looks like Nogueira vs. Lesnar is going to happen! Let's get ready to rumble!! :)

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Sportsbar Anyone?

Are there any other ladies out there who LOVE going to sports bars?? Well, maybe it's just me, but I LOVE them. It's common practice for me to make a lunch date with a gal pal and pick a sports bar for the hook up spot. My friends are often baffled by my choice when we get there, but I pay them no mind and nudge them in anyway. It's not uncommon for me to have one eye and ear in the conversation, and the other eye and ear focused on the myriad sporting events being displayed on multiple TV screens. Yes, lunch dates usually have a dual purpose for me....and they often include sports. Heck, I even enjoy going to Hooters!! I'm secure enough, mainly because my hooters are often bigger than the Hooter waitresses, LOL. Anyway, I love the smell and color of the dark leather seats, the naked walnut/oak wooden tables, the dark tone colors that encompass the design schemes, and the low mumble of male voices drinking tall ones that usually make up the sports bar experience. But then again, maybe that's just me. :)


Well, looks like the CFL read my blog after all! LOL, O dear how arrogant of me. But seriously, two days after I blog about Adam "Packidee Wack-man" Jones being signed to play for one year with a team in Canada, reports surface that the team, the Winnipeg Blue Bombers, won't be signing Sir Sin-a-lot after all. Looks like they've come to their senses, and checked out his background. My question is, why didn't they do this before hand?? It's not like any of this guy's antics over the years have been a secret. How could they have been so obsessed with winning games that they were willing to consider signing him in the first place? This is why I am enjoying reading Tony Dungy's book "Uncommon." He talks a lot about "character" and how the Colts organization has a rule about only drafting or accepting players based on their character as well as their abilities. In fact, he said that when they evaluate players in the NFL draft they have a category on their evaluation forms called "DNDC" or "Do Not Draft because of Character." This practice is exactly why the Colt's have had such a successful run for the past 10 years, and why Dungy had been such an integral part of their success. That said, I really think this Jones kid needs to go back to the basics before he tries to run with the big boys again. He needs a life do-over, and there's no shame in that. The shame is in him thinking that he can go around showing his azz and expect life not to kick it. LOL

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Pacman, Wack-man!

Could folks PLEASE stop financing Adam "Pacman" Jones' road to destruction? Please? Someone please just gently nudge this fella towards the light instead of giving him money. Sigh...deep, heavy sigh...I guess Pacman is using his 8th pro football life to play in the Canada Football league (CFL) for one year. Yes, CANADA, how desperate. I wanted to wish this kid well LAST YEAR. I wanted to believe he could get his act together and use his talents when the Cowboys picked him up. Alas, I think he is just too stripper-whipped to be of any good to himself or any professional sports organization. Thus, he left the country to play and practice his debauchery in peace. Seriously, they say that "youth is wasted on the young" and this guy proves that. I don't want to be a sour puss, but I just can't get optimistic about his career move. I don't think he will EVER make it back to the NFL. The NFL only had one bad boy golden ticket and they just gave it to Michael Vick. Granted, Pacman has never been incarcerated, but he might as well have been! He has been doing nothing but being a colossal pain in the arse since he first got drafted (pun intended)! Anyway, I won't watch a single Canadian football game, and I hope he plays a few more years there and finds God. And if he decides to try his hand at a rap career, I'll SCREAMMMMM! LOL

Monday, August 31, 2009

THIS Is Why I HATE Pre-Season Football!

INJURIES!! Seriously, I hate preseason football because it can and usually does knock certain teams out of a possibly good position before the season even starts! Because of injuries. So far, the count for star players with preseason injury issues is getting higher. Let's see, there is T.O. with an injured toe, Tom Brady just hurt his right shoulder, Matt Cassel (who just signed a multi-million dollar contract) just injured his leg, and the ever so lucky Denver Broncos just lost their starting QB, Lyle Orton to a gashed finger injury. Also, some lesser players get hurt in the preseason and it ends their careers. Granted, it's par for the course--gotta have a preseason--and most of these injuries are sort of minor and won't make much of an impact on these players playing time in the regular season. BUT I just wish that they didn't have to play so many preseason games and take the risks. It should be shorter and possibly bi-monthly instead of every week. HEY! I don't have the answers here! But I'm just saying I don't like it...I'm just saying..... :P

Friday, August 28, 2009

Denver, Denver, Denver

Well, it looks like "schleprock" has entered the Denver Broncos building disguised as Josh McDaniels. Ever since this cat got hired on as the new head coach, he has done nothing but wreak havoc for the team. First, he is highly to blame for the team losing their starting quarterback Jay Cutler by going behind Jay's back and courting another QB to take his starting position (for no good reason I might add!!!). Second, the new "star and hope" of the team Brandon Marshall gets suspended for "misconduct." Hmmmmm. Well, Brandon has been missing practices during training camp and acting "insubordinate" when he does show up. If so, he deserves to be reprimanded for that. But it turns out, Brandon is not happy with his contract and basically withholding the luv until the numbers add up. Good lord! How unlucky can one guy be! You try to get rid of a good player, for no good reason, he finds out and leaves you high and dry. Then the guy you want to keep is an A-hole, greedy primadonna who "doesn't wanna play if he doesn't get his way" so you have to end up suspending him anyway. HAHAHA! I dunno. But it doesn't look like McDaniels has the luck of the Irish. The season hasn't even started and he is crashing and burning. :p

Scribbling Serena

I love it! I love how sports stars are getting heavily into the memoir game. I mean, if former rock star drug addicts can write a book chronicling their rise and fall in life, why shouldn't a successful athlete give us the inside scoop on their life success. I just bought former NFL coach Tony Dungy's book called "Uncommon" and I can't wait to read it. But, when I picked that one up, I noticed that Serena also has a "memoir" out now called "On The Line." Wonderful! Well, I know that she is only 27 years old and by that number she shouldn't really have a whole lot to say about her life, but I think she has really lived a very full life thus far! She has experienced some things that the average person who lives to be 70 will never experience in their life time. In fact, she has such a bright spirit, most people have forgotten that her older sister, Yetunde, was murdered in 2003. Despite withstanding the adversity associatied with being a black female athlete suceeding in a traditionally white sport, and experiencing difficulty and pain, Serena's personality definitely seems to live up to the derivative of her name: "serene."And she seems to be holding it down with her man Common, one of the best and hawtest rappers to ever hit the rap game. I imagine the memoir will be a very interesting read!

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Should I Root For Sanchez??

Hmmmmm, Mark Sanchez, the trader, won the starting quarterback position with the New York Jets. The news was just announced yesterday by the Jets head coach Rex Ryan. Sanchez will be the first rookie quarterback to EVER start in the QB position in a regular season. I am.....HALFWAY happy for him. The other half of me wants him to fall flat on his wide, chubby fanny for abandoning my USC Trojans by dropping out of college to join the NFL draft! It was TRULY a decision about money, not about heart and love for the game, in my point of view. But on the other hand, I'm kinda flattered that we produced such a skillful QB; one that pushed aside a veteran QB and stole his starting position like a gangsta, haha. Awwwww, heck! I'm just torn over this guy! Can you tell? LOL. Anyway, he left us (USC) truly wanting and in trouble. Not sure we were ready to let him go and if we've had enough time to readjust to the change of a new QB. I guess I wish him, luck...but only because I'm trying to be mature about it. My inner co-ed Trojan yells "BOOOOOOOO Mark Sanchez!! Boooooo, get sacked 21 times in one game!" Teeheehee :p

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Ganja Blues!

What a way to start a pro NBA career! This guy gets a *BD* (Big Dummy) with four out of five snaps! Miami Heat rookie Michael Beasley is a POTHEAD. That's right. And he's so bad with it, that he is already at the "paranoia" stage that all potheads get to eventually. I knew he always looked high, LOL! I guess that explains his rather lackluster first year last year. Sorry if it sounds like I have nada sympathy for him, but I don'! Personally, I think he just ruined his reputation, and thus his career. Anyway, he started his first stint in rehab yesterday. Rumors have it that he posted a suicidal message on his Twitter a few days ago. Success, fame, and fortune just don't do some folks well. I am actually surprised that it's JUST pot. I mean, marijuana is usually a segue drug. Well, I wish him well and I hope we don't hear any more bad news about this guy as he attempts to have an NBA career.

Monday, August 24, 2009

400 Is The Magic Number!!

Now that's what I'm talking about!! The U.S. track team finally showed us what we like to see. They pulled off two impressive wins in the 4x400 races on Sunday. The women, who many thought would struggle competing against Russia in the final, SMOKED the competition! Every lady seemed to run her best, as we held a lead all throughout the race. Allyson Felix gave the team a wide margin, but Sanya Richards made the gap even wider on the last leg of the race. It was truly no contest! On the mens side, they were favored to win, so it was looking like it would be more of the same, until Angelo Taylor started the race for the team. Dude ran like he had just scarfed two double cheeseburger and wanted to take a post lunch nap. I was expecting him to zoom out and gives us an expected lead, but NO! By the time he got back to pass the baton, we were in THIRD place. I sighed, thinking, we had been visited by the schleprock again, but Jeremy Warner saved the day! He caught up and gave us our signature gap that we were expecting. He ended up running the fastest time in the race! All in all, we eneded up wiining more gold medals than Jamaica Ha Ha! So, I'm not happy, but I'm thrilled. Congrats ladies and gents!

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Cute Sports Reporters! And They're Girls!

See, you don't have to look like a man to like sports OR to even be an expert on it! Check out these two cute sports chicks: Sage Steele (bottom) and Reischea Canidate (top)! These two ladies get a heterosexual "HAWTIE" vote from me, hehe. Sage is a sports reporter for ESPN SportsCenter, she's 37 and a married mother of three. She's been in the game a long time and she has worked with some of the finest in the sports business, such as: Mike Greenberg and Mike Golic from ESPN's "Mike & Mike" fame, and Mike Ditka. She's also curvy and petite and doesn't fit the profile that some people coonstruct about women who report on sports. Click her name for more info on her. Reischa is newly employed at ESPN and can be seen on ESPNews as an update anchor just like Sage. She is 35, a fellow Trojan, was a high jumper for USC, and earned her bachelors degree in exercise science in 1997 (one year after I graduated). Don't really know her other physical stats or if she's married (though I think I saw a wedding band on her left finger), but she looks like she could have easily been a model and she doesn't look even remotely mannish! For more info on her, click her name above. Great job girls! :)